About me (This section is for the section “About author”)

  1. Your full name (that you want to display publicly) : Name here
  2. Your email address (would be used if people need to contact you): Email Address
  3. Some lines about you (public) : it should be within 20-30 words.

If you want to publish anonymously then let us know in the mail, itself.

here below is a way how you can write content, also make sure you add a cover image if you want one, if its empty we will add one from our side.

The beginnings

Things started turning dark as I turned 18. The little dark hallway in our house seemed to be not the same as it used to be. The painting of my great grandfather wasn’t the same anymore. Things were really different

I saw the lights turn green, everyday at 3: 33AM.

your image must have a description here

your image must have a description here

Another heading

some more content goes here

<aside> ✅ Callouts are cool if you want stylized data


thats all you need in the file

  1. After you are done, click on the “Share”. the button is on the top of the screen, in case it is hidden, scroll up a bit.
  2. You will find a button called “publish”.